About Us
We are a manufacturer and supplier of technical plastic parts for Customers in the following industries: electronics, electromechanics, energy, automotive, household appliances, construction as well as medical and rehabilitation.
Our company is a part of the international KL group:
- KL – Keune & Lauber GmbH (Keune, Lauber), Germany
- KLG – KLG Sp. z o. o. (KLGS GmbH) (Keune, Lauber, Gołębiowski), Poland
- KLGS – KLGS Sp. z o. o. (Keune, Lauber, Gołębiowski, Serafin), Poland
All companies are engaged in the manufacturing of plastic products. We cooperate but each of us works independently. As a result, we operate stably and we offer our Customers the best quality services and a wide range of products.
We have over forty years of experience in the field of plastic injection molding but we are still learning and developing intensively – both in terms of content and equipment. We continuously monitor the market and take part in national and international trade fairs as well as industry meetings.
We also conduct research and development works. We cooperate with Cracow Technical Universities: AGH University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow Technical University and IOS Cracow Institute of Advanced Technologies. This brings both material and technological improvements and innovations.
All these measures are taken in order to participate in the market as a solid business partner. We want to participate in the development of our important Customers and to offer them technical solutions they need and expect.